Just a little stressed right now...

I'm a book loving, crafting, dry-felting, jewellery making, scrapbooking, old movie loving, husband's business developing, over-whelmed MOM. Between the house, house work, kids, husband, the cats, dog, work, church, extra-curricular activities for the children and now school for me too ... I haven't quite figured out how to put everything together smoothly without occasionally misplacing my cars keys.

Friday, May 18, 2012

John Mayer- Born and Raised

I haven't been a big fan of John Mayer in the past, but John Mayer's new LP (I mean CD), Born and Raised, is available to listen for free on iTunes- for a limited time.  It sounds pretty good.  I really like the tracks with the old school, classic rock sound.  But, unfortunately, the CD tends to get pretty insipid -- as most rock seems to be, right now.  (I miss the Classic Rock 70's/80's and the Alternative Rock of the 80's/90's.  Even the top 40 was pretty good during those time periods.)
If you like Mayer's sound then you will be pleased with this CD.  As for those of us that like a more "classic" edge, stick to tracks 1. Queen of California and 2. Shadow Days.  They remind me a little of a soft Bob Seger, a la Hotel California.  These tracks don't have the same bite as that classic, but they're pretty good.  (Personally, I like some beat to my music.  The stuff nowadays lacks the edge I need.)  Maybe John can be converted to a meatier sound.  Then he will interest old fogies, like me, to purchase an entire album next time.  For now, it's just tracks 1 and 2 for me.:)

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