Just a little stressed right now...

I'm a book loving, crafting, dry-felting, jewellery making, scrapbooking, old movie loving, husband's business developing, over-whelmed MOM. Between the house, house work, kids, husband, the cats, dog, work, church, extra-curricular activities for the children and now school for me too ... I haven't quite figured out how to put everything together smoothly without occasionally misplacing my cars keys.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Donna Summer

Donna Summer's sound was the epitome of sexiness to this little Canadian girl.  I didn't even know what sexy was, but I knew her song "I Feel Love" was talking about that stuff that I wasn't supposed to know about. RIP Donna Summer. LaDonna Adrian Gaines December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012.
     (Video for "I Feel Love")


John Mayer- Born and Raised

I haven't been a big fan of John Mayer in the past, but John Mayer's new LP (I mean CD), Born and Raised, is available to listen for free on iTunes- for a limited time.  It sounds pretty good.  I really like the tracks with the old school, classic rock sound.  But, unfortunately, the CD tends to get pretty insipid -- as most rock seems to be, right now.  (I miss the Classic Rock 70's/80's and the Alternative Rock of the 80's/90's.  Even the top 40 was pretty good during those time periods.)
If you like Mayer's sound then you will be pleased with this CD.  As for those of us that like a more "classic" edge, stick to tracks 1. Queen of California and 2. Shadow Days.  They remind me a little of a soft Bob Seger, a la Hotel California.  These tracks don't have the same bite as that classic, but they're pretty good.  (Personally, I like some beat to my music.  The stuff nowadays lacks the edge I need.)  Maybe John can be converted to a meatier sound.  Then he will interest old fogies, like me, to purchase an entire album next time.  For now, it's just tracks 1 and 2 for me.:)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I haven't written anything on here in a awhile because I've been going to college.  I've been busy, busy, busy... and really my first purpose of this blog is because I love to read other people's blogs, and comment on their awesomeness. :)

I just found an awesome blog with some uber yummy recipes, smashed peas and carrots.  Have you seen it yet?    http://smashedpeasandcarrots.blogspot.ca/  I'm definitely trying the crockpot recipe for banana bread!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Scrap with Stacy - Tim Holtz giveaway.

Seriously? Who doesn't love Distress Ink? Have you tried it? It's fantastic. And, grungeboard... I have been dying to try grungeboard! So all you have to do is visit the link, follow her directions to win a fantastic Tim Holtz giveaway. And if you don't enter? Fine, because I want it for me, me and me! :) You have to enter by October 31st, so what are you waiting for! Go, go now but come back and visit me sometime. Just click on the title of this post and you will go directly to Stacy's blog.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Gramma was right, again!

Me: "So, how was your first day of school?" dtr: "Terrible!" Me: "Why terrible? Didn't you have any fun?" dtr: *silence* Me: "Who did you play with?" dtr: "No one." Me: "Didn't you play with Suzie?" (Names may have been changed to protect their identity) dtr: "No, well, a little." Me: "Did you have any fun?" dtr: "No" She has been doing this since JK. She's only 7. What is it going to be like when she is 17? She'll probably just make guttural sounds while glaring at me though a curtain of hair. My Grandmother told me what goes around comes around. She was so right! Eventually, she will start to spontaneously and erratically share information. But it takes a while and if I push she just digs in her heels. "Sigh" Why are girls so complicated? Actually, now that I write this I think that she is over-whelmed with all of this information. New people, new class, new teacher, new homework... Maybe it just takes her time to sort it out before she can share it? Kinda like I just did.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

School Lunches

Only 3 more sleeps until school begins and it couldn't be more welcome. My kids are driving each other, and me, crazy. So for the past few weeks I have been slowly getting things ready; purchasing new duds, going through their last years clothes to see what still fits and fretting about what I'm going to make my little monkeys for their lunches. I think they must be two of the handful of children in North America that do not enjoy cold, canned or processed meat. (Actually Mr Man does enjoy a hot dog once in while but you know what my Dad used to call those? Chicken lips and @$$#*!&S) So, for the past few years I have sent my daughter to school with cream cheese sandwiches. I know, ew, but I was desperate to get the little monkey to eat. And she has passed her dislike for cold meat, etc to her little brother. So for his first year of school it was also cream cheese sandwiches for him. (Please don't judge me too harshly) Of course, I like to provide my monkeys with the four food groups. So, I also packed fresh fruit, yogurt, cheese (hard cheese only please, she won't eat cheese slices either), fruit cups, puddings, carrots, raisins, etc. But, I think I have now solved my meat dilemma. Last weekend I made meat balls from hamburger and sausage, oregano, marjoram, onions and mushrooms and stored the cooked balls in the freezer. I figure I can give my little monkeys little meat balls subs or spaghetti and meatballs for their lunches. Thankfully they said they were awesome and are looking forward to eating them. Today I made meatloaf. I made enough for two meat loaves. The one is for tonight but instead of making the second into a loaf I made it in muffin cups. I will send them to school with a little corn and mashed potato on top so it's like a mini shepherd's pie cupcake. Ha! NOw a just have to see if they bring me home empty lunch pails. (I would have taken photos but my cameras in for repairs.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tiger's bulging disk

Finally, we know what is wrong with Tiger Woods, a bulging disk. DiSSSSk, get your mind out of the gutter. :)