Just a little stressed right now...

I'm a book loving, crafting, dry-felting, jewellery making, scrapbooking, old movie loving, husband's business developing, over-whelmed MOM. Between the house, house work, kids, husband, the cats, dog, work, church, extra-curricular activities for the children and now school for me too ... I haven't quite figured out how to put everything together smoothly without occasionally misplacing my cars keys.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Just do it.

I just watched Julie and Julia for the second time and I have decided to jump on the blog bandwagon. I little stress is good way to up my adrenaline. I figure, a la Julie, that if I force myself to finish at least one project a week then I will feel as if I have done something productive. Don't get me wrong I am very busy. I'm a mom, wife, employee but I need a creative outlet. I have the best of intentions but, ... well, it's like working out. Unless I set up a plan and force myself to follow through I will never, "just do it". I like to felt, scrapbook, paint... really, I'm just all over the map. (I would love fresh ideas too.) But, for now, I think I am going to teach myself how to crochet. It has been almost a year since my grandmother died and I think this would be a nice way to pay tribute to her. She tried to teach me to crochet many times. I have had such a hard time wrapping my head around it. I find the actual handling of the hook and yarn to be really awkward. I hope to have finished a block by next Monday. I have attempted it several times today, ripping out the yarn repeatedly. I want a beautiful, perfect block. Ican do a crappy, uneven block but I want something that would pay tribute to my grandmother. I want a block that pays tribute to the peaceful perfection of completing a project. I want something that would even impress my grandmother.

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